


Last week, in my Weekly Market Report to members, I pointed out the upcoming bullish history of the small cap Russell 2000 Index (IWM tracks this index). Most probably have no clue why small caps outperformed by such a wide margin this week. But history saw it coming all along. Here are the daily annualized returns on the Russell 2000 since 1987:

November 23: +63.10%November 24: +255.15%November 25: +78.57%November 26: +22.50%November 27: +28.95%November 28: +72.16%November 29: +38.77%November 30: +44.22%December 1: -39.02%December 2: +121.88%December 3: -26.06%December 4: +22.88%December 5: +157.14%December 6: +52.01%December 7: -34.93%December 8: +90.60%

There’s a lot of historical tailwinds at our back right now. It’s a clear seasonal indication that the IWM LOVES this time of year. Historically, the IWM’s best two calendar months are December and November, which have produced annualized returns of 25.08% and 17.46%, respectively, since 1987. Only three other months are even in double digits: April (+15.25%), May (+13.10%), and February (+12.89%).

So should we be shocked to see the following IWM chart:

It’s easy to see what’s happened thus far in November/December. And just think, December is typically stronger than November and it’s just getting started.

Looking at the IWM another way, this time from a technical perspective, also yields a very bullish December outcome:

I see a beautiful reverse head & shoulders bottoming pattern that executed today. Volume soared to accompany the price breakout above the neckline. Listen, none of this is surprising to me. I’ve been telling members since June 2022 that the longs were in a much better position than the shorts. It was time to STOP shorting in June 2022. The S&P 500 is now up 1000 points off the ultimate October 2022 low. The NASDAQ 100 has risen nearly 50% from the June 2022 bottom.

And you know what? We’re going higher. A lot higher.

To improve your own trading success, answer these two questions honestly:

(1) Do you know there’s a 12-consecutive day period of EVERY calendar month that has produced more than 80% of the S&P 500’s gains since 1950? In other words, a little more than 33% of all trading days have accounted for more than 80% of the market’s gains. Do you WANT to know what that period is? I would certainly hope so!

(2) Do you know the trading behavior of each calendar quarter? That knowledge recently led me to very profitable trades on both NVIDIA Corp (NVDA) and Tesla, Inc. (TSLA), 2 of 16 key stocks that I’ve done extensive historical trading analyses for. Want to improve your trading success with simple seasonal data? Why wouldn’t you?

I want to introduce you to “Bowley Trend: Long-Term Trends Since 1950”. It’s a 7-page PDF that I want you to immediately download and keep as yours. Consider it a “Thank You!” for following my work over the years. Learn the secrets that few traders know. Take one minute, CLICK THIS LINK, and download my FREE PDF that will change the way you look at the stock market forever!

Happy trading!


I’m not an investment arsonist! I won’t try to convince you that stock market perfection is achievable. I will, however, guarantee (strong word) that if you put in the effort, the results will be as Vince Lombardi often claimed: “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.” The 10 investing essentials I’ve presented in these two blogs were culled from my own list of 30 essentials. I believe you’ll find them to be helpful.

Two points to make. First, there are no shortcuts to becoming a successful investor. Your learning never stops. Yes, there are, at a minimum 20 more foundational essentials to learn. Second point: be willing to invest the time. Even Warren Buffett’s vast net worth was predominantly accumulated after his 50th birthday. I share with you a quote from William Henley’s poem “Invictus”, whose final lines read “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” Embrace this reality, and you’ll achieve remarkable success in the stock market. Onward!


You either embrace “PAC”, or you PACK IT IN and give your money to some money manager. PAC stands for PIVOT, ADAPT and CHANGE. This is a reality of investing and a truism of the stock markets. Expect and accept change. William O’Neil preached that following new products and new companies leads to growth, profits, and rising earnings. These disruptors or change-makers are the future darlings of the equities markets.

Even something as seemingly mundane as grocery store inventory can reflect the impact of regular changes. Few realize that 80% of what’s on the shelves today are new or improved products that have been there for five years or less. Think food trends and fads. The days of Campbell soup gave way to healthy organic and sustainable foods lower in salt and preservatives. The stock market reflects these types of changes in our society. Your portfolio must change with the times, too. As Nicolas Darvas wrote in his seminal 1960’s book, “There are no good or bad stocks — only rising and falling stocks.” Accept this fact, embrace the challenge, pivot, and adapt. PAC!


There’s the good kind of investing dementia and the bad kind. Understand both!

Exceptional professional athletes become adept at the good kind. Sports require a short memory. What happened with the last play, last goal, or last period mustn’t negatively impact the next play, next goal, or next period. The bad kind applies to everyone — be it in the sports arena, business world, investing theater or life. When you don’t acknowledge mistakes you’ve made, and thereby make them again, that’s pure stupidity. Or you simply forget the lessons you’ve learned, thereby losing sight of the past and not remembering what you had once known. You get lazy, and allow your ego to tell you something different. Yes, it takes focus, concentration and discipline to learn from your mistakes and remember not to step into the same cow dung twice. Stan Druckenmiller — the ‘Market Wizard’ — once said, “Every great money manager I’ve ever met, all they want to talk about is their mistakes. There’s a great humility there.” A big ego and a selective memory is a toxic mix in the investment coliseum.

Investing attracts many successful people with high IQs. All too often, these folks bring their oversized egos to the table, accompanied by a fair amount of psychological baggage that they didn’t realize they had or didn’t think mattered. The markets have a way to ensure that these folks do a belly-flop and lose their bathing suits. Intuition and IQ have little relevance in the stock market until they’re backed up by the prerequisites of competence and expertise. That takes a committed effort over time.

An immense part of that is what we address in Stage 3 of Stock Market Mastery: The Investor Self. If you truly embrace the fact that the majority — yes, I said majority — of your consistent long-term success in the markets depends upon your mental skills and self control, then you’ll be a winner. You will steadily and predictably progress through the five levels of investor growth. Just remember, egos are toxic in investing.


If you can’t explicitly describe your investment methodology, you probably don’t have one! Start by putting it down in writing. Once you’ve outlined your investing approach, I submit to you a number of good things will happen.

You’ll feel less stressed.You’ll stay more organized.The market will reward you for your efforts.

I humbly suggest you use our book Tensile Trading: The 10 Essential Stages of Stock Market Mastery as a foundation, and then personalize it over time as you deem fit. Think of it as a roadmap to help peel back the 10 layers of the stock market. You’ll clearly recognize there’s DNA from many Market Wizards incorporated in each of the 10 Stages. This approach is the antithesis of reading newsletters and accepting stock tips. Instead, this is all about learning a skill set you can replicate. I think this ancient and timeless wisdom remains so very apropos for modern investors. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” A profound truth we should all embrace as investors.


Having the discipline to follow your routines is what separates the winners from the losers. Successful investing is not dissimilar to professional sports. For a championship result, it’s all about doing a myriad of little things that add up to achieving a significant result; small routines which reinforce each other. Not dissimilar to the elements that make up your investment methodology and stack atop one another to create a basket of probability enhancers. The stock market is all about probabilities. You must endeavor to find each and every element that will contribute to increasing positive probabilities and adding these to your investing methodology.

In fact, this is not the biggest challenge. Our book is chock-full of these probability enhancers. We can teach that. But the Achilles heel for most investors is not having the discipline to consistently deploy their routines. If you waver or allow yourself to become lackadaisical, you will ignore something or miss something altogether. The market will catch your blindness and extract the requisite tuition.

Market Wizard Richard Dennis claimed he could publish his trading methodology and rules in the newspaper and very few investors would follow them . Why? He knew so few would ever have the discipline, drive, and commitment to put in the effort. Discipline is your shield to the dark side. The golden road to the rainbow is paved with discipline.


Truth holds power. These days, however, the Investment Salad is composed of information, disinformation and artificial intelligence, which I refer to as synthetic truth. Discerning the truth is an ongoing battle. Social media has created a dense stock market fog with a medley of distortions, bias, lies, propaganda, and misinformation, as well as deliberate disinformation.

The first truth to embrace is that truth itself is not always easily available. The second truth is that there exists a lot of disinformation haze. Seldom will you have clear sight lines. Having acknowledged these truths, I follow eight simple caveats that have served me very well over time. I’d like to share these with you.

a. Fact-check what you can.

b. Do not put much faith in the so-called experts.

c. You’ll never know everything you’d like to know. Get used to it.

d. Don’t focus too much on short-term sensational news.

e. Don’t believe it when the pundits claim “it’s different this time.”

f. You must be willing to adapt and change when reality presents itself.

g. An historical truism of stock equity prices — the cheap get cheaper. The dear get dearer. Don’t fight it.

h. My favorite caveat: Price charts don’t lie. I trust them. I believe in their message. They are the final arbitrator.

BONUS: A gift to you this Holiday Season. Being immersed in Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, I thought it only reasonable to extend to you my own December Deals.

Our Blu-Ray had been steeply discounted for those of you who might prefer to watch DVDs versus reading our book — The 10 Essential Stages of Stock Market Mastery.

The Asset Allocation DVD that Grayson and I produced is also steeply discounted. This is another great stocking stuffer for parents endeavoring to boost the financial IQ of the younger generation.

Wishing you great investing success in 2024!

In this week’s edition of Moxie Indicator Minutes, TG notes that the market is finally letting some steam out which is what we want since we need this to present fresher opportunities for us to buy. TG presents some great examples of how to use and read the Moxie Indicator to help you with your trading goals.

This video was originally broadcast on December 1, 2023. Click this link to watch on YouTube.

New episodes of Moxie Indicator Minutes premiere weekly. Archived episodes of the show are available at this link.

In this episode of StockCharts TV‘s The MEM Edge, Mary Ellen reviews the outperformance that took place amid a declining rate environment, while also highlighting price action in Tech, which trended sideways last week. She also reviews Dow stocks that just entered a new uptrend as the Index hits a new high.

This video originally premiered December 1, 2023. Click on the above image to watch on our dedicated MEM Edge page on StockCharts TV, or click this link to watch on YouTube.

New episodes of The MEM Edge premiere weekly on Fridays. You can view all previously recorded episodes at this link. You can also receive a 4-week free trial of her MEM Edge Report by clicking the image below.

While December 1st brought out the bulls in nearly EVERYTHING, one area caught our attention.

In December 2019, I saw a similar chart showing an unsustainable ratio between equities and commodities, which started me on the notion that something had to give. Now that I see this chart, with emerging markets at 50-year lows versus the U.S. markets, that does not necessarily mean the ratio will unravel in a month, or 2 or even more. However, it does give us a focus for 2024, at least to watch emerging markets for signs that the ratio could narrow.

In 2020, after COVID, the equities-to-commodities ratio moved a lot. It did not sustain though as many commodities peaked by June 2022. But it was a great 2-year run.

Now, in 2023, there is another ratio many are watching — growth and mega-cap stocks vs. value and small cap stocks. On Friday, we saw that ratio come in a bit, with NASDAQ up .32% and the Russell 2000 up 3.09%. Historical distortions of relationships can offer investors great opportunities in all trading timeframes.

With emerging markets, China has been under tremendous pressure, while country funds like Brazil have done well (although still not keeping up with SPY. The monthly chart of EEM is elucidating.

EEM iShares MSCI Emerging Market ETF ended November and began December very close to the 23-month moving average. (Compare this to SPY, which started December about 3-4% lower than its all-time highs.) So, for timing, we love these monthly charts.

Should EEM clear the 23-month MA that is a start. The risk would be clear, under the low of the month EEM close over the 23-month MA. Then, we would look to see if EEM can clear what appears to be the scene of the breakdown crime, or at 42-43.00. And that’s how you play ratios-you wait for price.

I will be away until December 14th. Look for my Outlook 2024 “If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Don’t Tickle the Dragon,’ to be out very soon. It is packed with ideas for the new year.

Have a great couple of weeks!

This is for educational purposes only. Trading comes with risk.

If you find it difficult to execute the MarketGauge strategies or would like to explore how we can do it for you, please email Ben Scheibe at, our Head of Institutional Sales. Cell: 612-518-2482.

For more detailed trading information about our blended models, tools and trader education courses, contact Rob Quinn, our Chief Strategy Consultant, to learn more.

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“I grew my money tree and so can you!” – Mish Schneider

Follow Mish on Twitter @marketminute for stock picks and more. Follow Mish on Instagram (mishschneider) for daily morning videos. To see updated media clips, click here.

Mish in the Media

Mish makes the case for Vaxcyte (PCVX) and presents the bullish case for gold in this appearance on Business First AM.

Mish talksabout money supply, debt, the consumer, inflation and trends that could gain traction in 2024 with Nicole Petallides on Schwab Network.

On the Tuesday, November 28 edition of StockCharts TV’s Your Daily Five, Mish presents 6 stock picks with specific actionable plans.

Mish covers the technical setup for Palo Alto and how MarketGauge’s quant models found this winner on Business First AM.

Mish and Maggie Lake cover inflation, technology, commodities and stock picks in this interview with Real Vision.

Mish talks trading range, fundamentals, and how to think about commodities right now on Yahoo! Finance.

In this appearance on BNN Bloomberg, Mish covers the emotional state of oil and gold, plus talks why small caps are the key right now. She also presents a couple of picks!

Learn how to trade commodities better with Mish in this interview with CNBC Asia!

Mish and Charles Payne discuss why the small caps, now in mid range still have a chance to rally in this appearance on Fox Business’ Making Money with Charles Payne.

Mish talks about Tencent Music Entertainment on Business First AM.

Mish talks bonds with Charles Payne in this clip from October 27, recorded live in-studio at Fox Business.

Coming Up:

December 3-December 13: Money Show Webinar-at-Sea

December 14: The Final Bar with David Keller, StockCharts TV

December 20: Outlook 2024 with StockCharts

December 22: Yahoo! Finance

December 28: Singapore Breakfast Radio

Weekly: Business First AM, CMC Markets

ETF Summary

S&P 500 (SPY): 450 support 465 resistanceRussell 2000 (IWM): Now 181 has to hold-next resistance 190Dow (DIA): 360 becomes pivotal supportNasdaq (QQQ): 388 now pivotal Regional banks (KRE): 45 underlying support with 50.00 resistanceSemiconductors (SMH): 160-161 pivotal supportTransportation (IYT): Cleared 250 now has to hold it Biotechnology (IBB): Big eyes here if holds 120Retail (XRT): 65 now key to hold and 70 resistance to clear next

Mish Schneider

Director of Trading Research and Education

Forward Corey Perry apologized Thursday for the ‘inappropriate and wrong’ behavior that led the team to terminate his contract and said he would seek treatment for his ‘struggles with alcohol.’

‘I am embarrassed and have let you all down,’ Perry, 38, said in a statement released to media organizations.

The Blackhawks placed Perry on unconditional waivers Tuesday in order to terminate his contract, saying he engaged in ‘unacceptable’ conduct that violated ‘the terms of his Standard Player’s Contract and the Blackhawks’ internal policies intended to promote professional and safe work environments.’ He passed through waivers on Wednesday.

The team and Perry didn’t reveal what he did, but ESPN reported Perry traveled with the team to Columbus on Nov. 21, when an incident occurred involving a team employee.

‘As a result of my actions, there has been speculation and rumors,’ Perry said in his statement. ‘I am sickened by the impact this has had on others, and I want to make it clear that in no way did this situation involve any of my teammates or their families. Most importantly, I want to directly apologize to those who have been negatively affected and I am sorry for the additional impact to others it has created. My behavior was inappropriate and wrong.

‘I have started working with experts in the mental health and substance abuse fields to discuss my struggles with alcohol and I will take whatever steps necessary to ensure this never happens again. I hope to regain the trust and respect of everyone who has believed in me throughout my career.’

The Blackhawks acquired Perry during the summer and signed him to a one-year, $4 million contract. After waiving Perry, Chicago acquired winger Anthony Beauvillier from the Vancouver Canucks.

This post appeared first on USA TODAY

Post-Thanksgiving is a light week on the NFL’s 2023 schedule, just 13 games slotted on the Week 13 lineup.

And, to be sure, there are some nice matchups – including the Seattle Seahawks visiting the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday night, and the Houston Texans hosting the scalding Denver Broncos on Sunday afternoon in a contest that suddenly carries very significant playoff ramifications for a pair of 6-5 teams sitting just outside the AFC’s final wild-card slot.

But make no mistake, the game of the weekend – maybe the entire year – will be the rematch of the 2022 NFC championship game as the San Francisco 49ers and reigning conference champion Eagles strap it up again at Philadelphia in the late Sunday afternoon window. Not only is it arguably a showdown of the league’s top two teams, but there’s also plenty of bad blood surrounding this one.

Can’t wait. Now, on to the forecast from our esteemed panel of experts:

(Odds provided by BetMGM. Access more BetMGM odds here.)

NFL STATS CENTRAL: The latest NFL scores, schedules, odds, stats and more.

Seattle Seahawks at Dallas CowboysLos Angeles Chargers at New England PatriotsDetroit Lions at New Orleans SaintsAtlanta Falcons at New York JetsArizona Cardinals at Pittsburgh SteelersIndianapolis Colts at Tennessee TitansMiami Dolphins at Washington CommandersDenver Broncos at Houston TexansCarolina Panthers at Tampa Bay BuccaneersCleveland Browns at Los Angeles RamsSan Francisco 49ers at Philadelphia EaglesKansas City Chiefs at Green Bay PackersCincinnati Bengals at Jacksonville Jaguars

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This post appeared first on USA TODAY

You don’t even have to be an attentive Dallas Cowboys fan to have heard it.


This is the start of the cadence quarterback Dak Prescott uses before he initiates offensive plays for the Cowboys. And, with the precision and clarity of sideline microphones and with the booming nature of the way Prescott yells the cadence, you also don’t need to have the volume on your TV cranked up to hear it.

Prescott has been using it all season long, but the cadence is gaining traction on social media after millions of Americans tuned in on Thanksgiving, when the Cowboys thumped the Washington Commanders. Prescott, who is playing his way into the Associated Press Most Valuable Player conversation, hasn’t said much about the cadence publicly for obvious reasons; doing so would potentially give opposing teams an advantage.

Here’s everything to know about the ‘Here we go’ cadence Dak Prescott and the Dallas Cowboys use.

NFL STATS CENTRAL: The latest NFL scores, schedules, odds, stats and more.

Dak Prescott snap cadence

It’s a bit unclear why Prescott specifically uses ‘here we go,’ but it’s proprietary to the way Dallas wants to run its offense. Perhaps better said: Prescott and the Cowboys have several pieces of information embedded into the pace, tone, rhythm, combination of words, number of times the cadence is used, order of the words and so on. The cadence is a way to convey this information to the other offensive players in a prompt and efficient way after they have already lined up in formation.

The ‘Here we go’ cadence was a new addition this season, after former offensive coordinator Kellen Moore and the Cowboys mutually parted ways this offseason. Head coach Mike McCarthy took over the offense and play-calling duties.

The Cowboys, like any other NFL team, can also change the different meanings embedded within the cadence from one week to the next.

Based off of Dallas’ 11 games this season, Prescott typically begins his cadence with a couple of variations: ‘Yeah! Here we go,’ or simply ‘Here we go.’

Then he’ll typically follow that with a pause — sometimes one that’s a fraction of a second — and will (most often) use the words ‘White-80 set,’ which can be the prompt for the center to snap the ball. He often shouts the ‘white-80 set’ part very quickly.

Because Prescott is an eight-year veteran with extensive knowledge of NFL offenses, the Cowboys have the ability to call two plays in the huddle, a primary one and a secondary one. As Prescott goes through his cadence, if he doesn’t like the look the defense is giving Dallas for the primary call, he may shout ‘Kill’ at the line of scrimmage, to convey to the other players that he wants them to run the secondary play. This isn’t unique to the Cowboys and is common practice for veteran quarterbacks.

The wrinkle in all of this is that there can be dummy language inserted into cadences with no meaning whatsoever, with the intent to throw the defense off and not reveal any patterns.

What is the purpose of a cadence in football?

Essentially, a quarterback’s cadence is the group of words used at the line of scrimmage during the moments right before the ball is snapped. It is the signal that tells the center when to snap the ball, though that’s still a bit too simplistic; the cadence also helps set the timing of the offensive play so that all players know when to begin moving into their assignments. Variations in the language can also communicate adjustments at the line of scrimmage that the quarterback wants the players to make.

For example, there are often colors and numbers used in cadences and, depending on which ones are said, they could be directives to the running back to slide one way in pass protection or for receivers to adjust their route. It depends entirely on the function the offenses want to give the words.

Teams use very different variations of words tailored to their offensive operation.

What did Aaron Rodgers say about Dak Prescott?

Since Aaron Rodgers, the quarterback of the Jets, has been injured with a torn Achilles sustained in New York’s season opener, he has been watching more NFL football this season. During an appearance Tuesday on ‘The Pat McAfee Show,’ Rodgers was asked about Prescott’s use of the ‘Here we go’ cadence.

Because Rodgers played under McCarthy in Green Bay from 2006 until 2018, when McCarthy was the head coach for the Packers, he has intimate knowledge of the way McCarthy is conducting Dallas’ offense.

‘I just love that he’s really playing the position,’ Rodgers said Tuesday. ‘What I mean by that is, I’m watching him make Ringo calls — so that’s protection adjustments against these crazy looks and picking things up. I’m watching him bring the tight end back in against zero pressure and throw an old concept we used to run, for a touchdown to CeeDee Lamb in the back of the end zone. I’m watching him use his cadence beautifully and get into this rhythmic ‘Here we go,’ using it as a dummy sometimes doing it twice into like, other cadences.

‘The last four or five weeks I’ve gotten to see more of their games and I just want to say: He’s playing the position in a really impressive way.’

This post appeared first on USA TODAY

Lionel Messi and Inter Miami CF have sold out of season tickets for the 2024 MLS season, and heading to Central America early next year.

Inter Miami made both announcements on Thursday, including an international friendly against the El Salvador national team set for Jan. 19, 2024.

The match will be played at 8 p.m. inside the Estadio Cuscatlán in San Salvador, and serve as Inter Miami’s first preseason match for the 2024 MLS season.

“We’re excited to start announcing our preseason plans and preparations ahead of a thrilling 2024 campaign,” Inter Miami chief soccer officer and Sporting Director Chris Henderson said in a statement.

“We look forward to facing the El Salvador national team in what will be a good first test for our squad against the best players from the country”

Inter Miami has been motivated to expand its brand on a global scale since Messi – the eight-time Ballon d’Or winner and 2022 World Cup champion with Argentina – joined the MLS side this summer.

2023 MLS CUP PLAYOFFS: Live stream, new format, game times and dates, odds, how to watch

Inter Miami refutes Messi, Ronaldo ‘Last Dance’ matchup

Earlier this month, Inter Miami disputed an announcement by organizers of the Riyadh Season Cup that said the club would participate in two matches, including a contest that would have pit Messi against rival Cristiano Ronaldo and his Saudi Arabian club, Al-Nassr, in February.

Inter Miami is expected to continue seeking other opportunities for international matches to round out its preseason.

Inter Miami tickets: Season tickets sell out, but others available

Inter Miami also announced on Thursday that season tickets for the 2024 season at DRV PNK Stadium in Fort Lauderdale have sold out. But fans can sign up for presale opportunities to purchase remaining single-match tickets for the 2024 season.

Messi and Inter Miami could have an action-packed year in 2024, filled with matches in their MLS regular season schedule and tournaments like the Concacaf Champions Cup, Leagues Cup, U.S. Open Cup and MLS postseason (should Inter Miami qualify).

Messi also could continue playing with the Argentina national team during the 2024 Copa America tournament and other 2026 World Cup qualifying matches.

This post appeared first on USA TODAY

Southern California freshman Bronny James, the son of NBA superstar LeBron James, has been cleared by doctors for a “full return to basketball” after he had sustained sudden cardiac arrest during workouts in July on the USC campus.

“Bronny James is now cleared by his doctors for a full return to basketball,” a family spokesperson said in a statement. “Bronny will have a final evaluation with USC staff this week, resume practice next week, and return to games soon after. The James family would like to express their gratitude to the incredible medical team, the entire USC community, and especially the countless friends, family, and fans for their love and support. Fight On!”

James was hospitalized, and in August after follow-up evaluations Mayo Clinic and Atlantic Health/Morristown Medical Center, he was diagnosed with an “anatomically and functionally significant Congenital Heart Defect which can and will be treated.’ At the time, the family expressed confidence that James would be able to play basketball again.

The Trojans are 5-2 and play No. 10 Gonzaga in Las Vegas Saturday (10 p.m. ET, ESPN).

James, a four-star recruit committed to the Trojans in May after averaging 14 points, five rebounds and three assists in his senior year at Sierra Canyon (Los Angeles) School last season. He possesses many of the same unselfish skills as his dad and moved up the player rankings in the Class of 2023 as the season progressed to the point where he was a projected first-round in the 2024 draft before he collapsed on the court.

A congenital heart defect is an abnormality in the heart (the heart or blood vessels near the heart do not develop normally before birth) and is one of the most common birth defects, according to Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic. There are several kinds of CHDs, each with varying impacts on a person’s overall health.

Keyontae Johnson was diagnosed with a heart ailment at Florida after collapsing during a game against Florida State on Dec. 12, 2020. He transferred to Kansas State, was cleared to play and Oklahoma City drafted him in the second round in June. The NBA’s Fitness to Play panel also cleared him to play.

This post appeared first on USA TODAY